Friday, June 5, 2009

Zoe turns One

Here's Zoe on her Birthday! I just can't believe she's one. We had pancakes for breakfast, she had lots of playtime at daycare and then we got Chipotle for dinner and headed to the park. Zoe was so tired she fell asleep on the way home. Tonight we had a small party for Zoe at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I'll get those pictures up soon. Thanks everyone for celebrating with us and all her presents! I just can't believe it's been a year. This week she's started walking so much more. She finally picked walking over crawling. She's a toddler now!

Well it's been a busy week with birthday's and anniversaries and a little sickness thrown in. In just 2 weeks we'll be back to celebrating again!

Holly & Co.


  1. The pics I took are cute candid shots. Come by sometime and I will burn them for you.

  2. Yeah! I'm so glad you like the tu-tu too! HA-HA... tutu, too... anyways it's late. Yeah for birthdays and celebrations!

  3. Awww Happy Birthday Zoe!!! That first year flies by!!!
