Tuesday, June 23, 2009

no news is good news

Pardon the blog changes...
I thought I screwed up the format beyond repair, but it should be back to normal now. So let's see what's going on in our lives lately...

Zoe has been having a blast playing outside and in the water. She spends most of the day outside when she's at daycare. They have a water table that she really likes to play at. And she is fearless when it comes to spraying water. She will go walk right up to it and let it blast her, then run away.
Her new word is Dog, which she repeats over and over when she's with Campbell, or she sees another dog outside.
She is walking really well and we got her some new shoes last week. It was quite an adustment walking in shoes vs. walking barefoot.

Ryan is enjoying his summer relaxing and working on projects (for me!) He turns 24 this week, we're going to celebrate on Friday (thanks Julie for watching Z)

I'm counting the days until fall. Summer is really not my favorite time of year. I prefer the cold. I've been working on some craft stuff, but I can't seem to stick to one project right now. I have a few half finished projects along with lots of ideas bouncing around in my head and in my sketchbook.

Last week we celebrated Father's Day Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, we went out to dinner with our best neighbors ever (I can't believe we didn't take any pictures!) then filled the rest of the evening with chit chat and video games.
On Sunday, Zoe decided not to take a nap so after church we went for a short visit to the Humbert's for dinner and dessert.
I know I'm a few days late, but I'm really thankful for all the strong examples of Father's that we have in our lives. Dan, Dad &Ryan: You are all such wonderful fathers. I'm so grateful for your patience and love to our familes. We are so lucky to have strong male role models & Priesthood holders in our lives. We love you!

Holly & Co.

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