Monday, June 29, 2009


That was the high today. Yuck. We headed straight to the pool as soon as we got home.

I love that just 30 minutes in the pool will tire anybody out, including me. We had a nice short dinner, a quick swim and straight to bed. (Well for Zoe)

She has starting say "Uh-oh." Ryan encourages her, because it's just funny to hear. She also likes to say "Odie." But I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. She is also getting better at saying "Hi" on the phone.

On Saturday, Ryan's parents took us out for Ryan's birthday. We went to a Mexican place, Mas. It was so yummy. Here's a cute picture we took of Zoe during dinner.

We're looking forward to the 4th this weekend. Sad we won't be in Utah but we're planning on watching fireworks and such. I'm planning on making Zoe a cute Red shirt with this tutorial here. She'll be wearing her bow from last year too! Hoping to get in some BBQ this weekend and maybe some pasta salad.

Holly & Co.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ryan's Birthday

Last night was quite the adventure for us. We first went to dinner at Jack's Urban Eats in GOld River. Yum! Then off to RPM Racing.

Neither of us had ever been racing so it was a new experience. I was in first for a couple laps then I let Ryan pass me. But towards the end I was trying to pass him, but he wouldn't let me. Ryan "Won" but only beat my time by .26 seconds. It was so much fun. The go karts are real, not like bumper cars. I'm not sure how fast they go, but I want to say up to 40 mph (I could be way off though.) I couldn't take my camera on the track with me, so I didn't get a picture of us in full race gear or the cars, but these will have to do.

The suits were hot and heavy. Not to mention the face sock and the helmet. I couldn't hear anything. Ryan and I got lucky and we were the only 2 racers on the track. They are open racing sessions so you can end up with like 8 random people all racing. I'm glad it was just us.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Ryan. I'll post some pictures of Zoe once I get them all edited.

Holly & Co.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Deals & Birthdays

I was out shopping for Ryan's birthday last night, and stopped into Old Navy. What a lucky break! if you need bathing suits, Old Navy has them for $5! Needless to say, we all got new bathing suits last night.
Zoe bug will look so cute in this! (Mine & Ryan's are plain and boring and are not worth the effort to get a picture. )
Zoe also got a bathing suit for next year and a sun hat. I took some pictures this morning with her sun hat, so as soon as I get those edited I'll post them.
Today is Ryan's birthday! Happy Birthday Sweetie! I surprised him today with a cooler full of different kinds of Rootbeer (including the one Voted Best Rootbeer in US like 4 years running) Tonight we're going to dinner, then go-kart racing and then hopefully, if we're up to it, a late movie. Julie & Zoe are having a sleepover, so we actually get to stay out past 8pm.
Have a great day!
Holly & Co.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is why I do what I do.

This morning, I went to go get Zoe up and I found a beautiful sleeping baby. She woke up and reached up to me. I picked her up and then she gave me a big Zoe hug. Then we went in to wake up Daddy, and I laid Zoe down next to Ryan, she curled up right next to him. We spent the next several minutes giggling, smiling and laughing while we tickled each other and gave kisses. Zoe gave high 5's and let Campbell lick her toes.

This was a beautiful reminder this morning of why I do what I do: my family.

I didn't take a picture, I should have, but this alone creates a wonderful mental picture that I wanted to remember.

Holly & Co.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

no news is good news

Pardon the blog changes...
I thought I screwed up the format beyond repair, but it should be back to normal now. So let's see what's going on in our lives lately...

Zoe has been having a blast playing outside and in the water. She spends most of the day outside when she's at daycare. They have a water table that she really likes to play at. And she is fearless when it comes to spraying water. She will go walk right up to it and let it blast her, then run away.
Her new word is Dog, which she repeats over and over when she's with Campbell, or she sees another dog outside.
She is walking really well and we got her some new shoes last week. It was quite an adustment walking in shoes vs. walking barefoot.

Ryan is enjoying his summer relaxing and working on projects (for me!) He turns 24 this week, we're going to celebrate on Friday (thanks Julie for watching Z)

I'm counting the days until fall. Summer is really not my favorite time of year. I prefer the cold. I've been working on some craft stuff, but I can't seem to stick to one project right now. I have a few half finished projects along with lots of ideas bouncing around in my head and in my sketchbook.

Last week we celebrated Father's Day Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, we went out to dinner with our best neighbors ever (I can't believe we didn't take any pictures!) then filled the rest of the evening with chit chat and video games.
On Sunday, Zoe decided not to take a nap so after church we went for a short visit to the Humbert's for dinner and dessert.
I know I'm a few days late, but I'm really thankful for all the strong examples of Father's that we have in our lives. Dan, Dad &Ryan: You are all such wonderful fathers. I'm so grateful for your patience and love to our familes. We are so lucky to have strong male role models & Priesthood holders in our lives. We love you!

Holly & Co.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yes that's the time right the a.m. Zoe has been up since 4:40am. It was my night to get up. So we've been cuddling, watching Mickey's clubhouse and eating cereal. What a way to live.
She is finally associating waving with "Hi" not just "bye." Last night she managed to say the "Down" while up in her high chair. Zoe had a little bug earlier this week, but she's doing fine now. Ryan has been busy with scouts, I've been busy spring/summer cleaning and baby showers (planning and attending) Not much excitement going on...although we've got Father's Day coming up and Ryan's birthday so that should yield some more pictures and posts.
nothing else to report,

Holly & Co.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

On my way home.

This is what I get to see every day on my way home.
Life is Sweet.

Since I do not have a radio in my car, I sing to Zoe on the way home.
Today, she sang to me, kind of.

Holly & Co.

Monday, June 8, 2009

More birthday pictures (thanks to Jen!)

during the cake eating. This is one of the few pictures of me and zoe together.
the ladybug cake.

she was very dainty at first and then after she got a real bite, she tore into it.

Playing at Grandma's!

*All pictures taken by my SIL, Jen. thanks Jen!
thankfully this week will be much less busy. But, there will be lots of preparation for the busy weeks to come. Father's day, Ryan's birthday, 4th of july, BFF visits, Babyshowers. We're gonna have a busy summer!
Holly & Co.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Zoe turns One

Here's Zoe on her Birthday! I just can't believe she's one. We had pancakes for breakfast, she had lots of playtime at daycare and then we got Chipotle for dinner and headed to the park. Zoe was so tired she fell asleep on the way home. Tonight we had a small party for Zoe at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I'll get those pictures up soon. Thanks everyone for celebrating with us and all her presents! I just can't believe it's been a year. This week she's started walking so much more. She finally picked walking over crawling. She's a toddler now!

Well it's been a busy week with birthday's and anniversaries and a little sickness thrown in. In just 2 weeks we'll be back to celebrating again!

Holly & Co.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

~2 Years~

Today marks our 2 year anniversary!

Two years ago today, we were married for time and all eternity in front of our friends and family. What a fun day that was. Ryan and I still comment on how great our wedding and reception turned out. Not to mention the fact that we are so happy we married each other!

Although Ryan doesn't actually read our blog, I like to post about him anyway.
This is a really terrible photo taken with my phone during church on Sunday. But this totally describes Ryan and the role he plays in our lives (mine and Zoe's)

I won't turn this into a long sappy post (I'll save that for my Happy Birthday/Father's day blog post) but I am so glad I picked Ryan and he picked me to spend forever with. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Ryan!



PS. Stay tuned for Zoe's birthday blog...coming soon.