Monday, October 20, 2008

Dr. Appt Update

Zoe went for her 4 month appt.
Weight: 14 lbs. 5 oz. 50th percentile
Height: 25 inches 70th percentile
Head: 41 cm 40th percentile.
She also had to get 4 shots. I think this was her first official meltdown, she screamed and screamed, like I had never heard. She also needed a nap, so that contributed to the meltdown, but I felt so bad. Luckily, she fell asleep in the car on the way home.


  1. I think it takes longer for us Mom's to recover than the kiddos!

  2. poor little girl. Im surprised to hear you didnt melt down. I always end up laughing to keep myself from bawling. the nurse probably thinks I'm a horrible mother...
