For the past, almost year, we've been in that "looking-forward-to-the-next-step-but-not-quite-sure-what-the-outcome-will-be" phase.
Yes, it's a long title for a silly phase.
We've moved. and moved again. and moved again. and are now staring down the thought of another move.
But oh how blessed we are.
I found this print on pinterest and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
We've met a lot of wonderful people throughout our several moves.
Luckily, we've also kept in contact with many.
Distance is a silly thing, that I think can sometimes convince us,
we can't be friends anymore, or can't still care about each other.
I've got friends all over the country, and thanks to modern technology, can have face to face coversations.
I made this layout the other day, to remind myself, that home is a feeling, not a place.
On the map sticker, I used a wooden asterisk over Utah, because that's currently where we are located.
We are lucky to find the feeling of home in so many locations.
California, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, and even Idaho.
I want to put out a challenge today, to call, e-mail or write an old friend, neighbor or family member.
You'd be surprised how happy they will be to hear from you!
Holly & Co.