Thursday, April 30, 2009

Zoe's first text message

This morning while we were getting ready, Zoe helped herself to my phone. We noticed she set several appointments for me today and was sending text messages. And who did she send them to? Her Daddy! Ryan got a text message that said" p g". Just documenting to fun!

Here's some picture I took of her on my phone last night, trying to get her to smile.

Holly & Co.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Zoe has a new tooth. Her teeth come in so fast, we don't even know they are there until they are half way in. This morning, no tooth. When I picked her up from day care, new tooth. That makes a total of 7 teeth. I added some pictures from Tay's 2nd birthday party, taken by my sweet sil, Jen.

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Jammies and New Pictures

Been playing around with some photo actions.
Our ward campout was cancelled due to weather. So we decided to stay in with Pizza and jammies. (much better choice in my opinion) Zoe is getting so big! She'll be one in just a few weeks.
Tomorrow we'll be celebrating our niece, Taylor's, 2nd birthday. Time flies so fast.

Last night my BFF, Heather and I had a craft night over the internet. Gotta love Skype. I love technology. I miss you Heather! I made Zoe 5 should being seeing more of those soon.

Have a great weekend!
Holly & Co.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

While we are out....

So lately, life has been more than busy, and now, I'm sick.
But it's been so long since I updated.
In short, here's our new happenings.
-Zoe took 4 steps. She isn't that interested in walking just yet, but she takes steps every now and then.
-Zoe had her 10 month appt. She weighs 20 lbs. 12.5 ozs. putting here in the 70th %.
-Zoe is eating lots of solid foods. She loves bread.
-Ryan is nearing the end of his semester and is doing great (A's across the board)
-I am busy planning ward activities and scrapbooking when I get a chance.

Here's some recent pictures to tide you all over.

Holly & Co.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What I found...

this morning while we were getting ready this morning... wasn't Campbell's fault...

Zoe discovered the toilet paper!
And this is my new favorite picture of Zoe. This was taken after the toilet paper mishap, but I love it!

And next, we have Zoe and her blueberry waffles.We're going to dye Easter eggs tonight with the Stauffers. Should be fun to see Zoe react. She made her first finger painting this week at daycare. She did really well.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter!

Holly & Co.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Big Girl Now!

Zoe's new favorite food:Normally, she eats dinner in her exersaucer, but I finally broke down and got a booster/high chair and she LOVES it. After dinner tonight, she spent another 30 minutes just sitting in her chair, playing with it. Here she is enjoying her cheerios, tonight.

Ryan and I could swear that we heard her say, "No no," when I tried to pick her up out of her chair. And then she said," Da da," tonight in the tub.

She's been starting to dance more often. She bobs up and down and shakes her head from side to side. I tried to get her to do it on video, but of course she stopped.

I've been in a major creative way recently, so I'm been scrapping as much as I can. I'll try to post some of those soon.

Holly & Co.