Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wedding Pictures

Here is just a sampling of our wedding photos. just wanted those far away to be able to see them.
Baby is doing fine. I'm continuing to grow every day. I go back to the Dr. on January 7th for another appt. Then we have the BIG ultrasound on the 17th to find out the sex. Ryan and I are leaving tomorrow for Oklahoma for the holidays, and we are really excited to see my family and OK friends. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

2nd Trimester, 14 weeks

Yes that is a sucker in my mouth, that was during my morning sickness, and I was eating Preggo Pops. (suckers that help with morning sickness)
This is Ryan and Campbell. She is getting so big. She likes Ryan much better than me, thats why this photo of her is better.

I've promised photos for a long time and never added them. Theses are the most recent ones we have.
We went to the Dr. on Friday, and heard the heartbeat. All is well. Morning sickness is over and I'm finally starting to get hungry again. I've gained 5 pounds total, but look like I've gained more than that. I'm actually starting to look pregnant.
We had our Ward Chrismas Party last night, which was a lot of fun. Some of our friends, Jamie and Preston, have an adorable baby boy, and they acted as the live nativity. Lots of good food, music and friends. I'm really enjoying the Holiday season this year, Christmas music makes me giddy.
We are leaving for Oklahoma in 10 days, so exciting, but that means that we have to prep all our Christms presents for our California family. To think that this time next year we will have a little one, is just beyond imaginable.
We find out the sex of the baby on Janurary 17th, that's a Thursday, so watch for a post about that. It's only 5 weeks away! I still think it's a girl, but we shall see.
Wishing you all a happy holidays!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nearing the End of the 1st Trimester

Thank goodness it's almost over, I was really beginning to dislike eating.

This week I have had multiple days free of morning sickness! I'm actually starting to feel good.

I have a nice, little round pooch that sticks out just enough to make a presence.

In non-baby news, Campbell, our dog, has started eating lots of things that are not good for little puppies, meaning we get to see our vet regularily. Last week it was Excedrin, this week a rock. The vet said it is preparing us for parenthood. I hope my child doesn't eat rocks.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, we will be spending it here in California with Ryan's side of the family. I think the whole bunch will be here, so I'll get to see my niece and nephew! I'm making pumpkin pies and green bean casserole, Thanksgiving staples. Although, I do have a fear that I will mess them up, so cross your fingers and wish me luck!

Well that's all for now in the Humbert House. For all of you in Tulsa, we will be there for Christmas, we will see you all soon. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ist Ultrasound

Wow, Sorry I haven't written in awhile, we had a busy weekend.

Well Friday, the 9th, we had our first ultrasound. The first thing we saw was the little flashing heartbeat on the screen. It was so exciting to actually see our little jelly bean. The Dr. measured the baby, and said that it was right on track with my due date, and growing normally. So official due date is June 18th. Right now I'm 9 weeks. Also, I'm right on track with my weight gain, I've gained 4 pounds so far.

The morning sickness unfortunately has not gone away. I was even out of work a little last week. I'm hoping that these last few weeks of the first trimester will fly by and I'll actually want to eat again. Especially with the holidays coming up, I want to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

Ryan and I were trying to scan the ultrasound picture last week but it wasn't working too well...so we'll see if we can get it up this week.

Thanks for all your love and support!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Pregnancy Books

After reading my pregnancy books, I've realized that I'm going to turn into a crazy pregnant woman, who get upset over the smallest, most minute issues, including loosing a pregnancy book.

Yesterday I was obsessing over finding the
other pregnancy book. I tore the house apart looking for this book. Lucky for me after a half an hour, Ryan decided to help, and within minutes it was found.

Morning sickness is starting to set in, I won't bore you all with the details, but its not fun. However it seems Cheetos and pasta ease both morning sickness and heartburn, while waffles seems to make it worse. Who would have thought?!?

I've found some new names, although we still like Cadence (boy) and Zoe (girl), the more I look at names the more I change my mind. My new favorite names are Noah (boy) and Ruby (girl). I would love to hear some opinions and suggestions, so leave a comment if you have any.

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

1st Doctor Appt.

Well, we went for my first appointment today, and much to my disappointment, nothing exciting, just information and paperwork. Don't get me wrong, it was good information, but I was expecting a little bit more than that. But to my surprise they decided to take 5 viles of blood...needless to say that was more than enough for an already queasy me.

Our next appt is in 2 weeks and then we should get to hear the heartbeat and have our first picture. so I'll post those as soon as I can.

The morning sickness hasn't been bad, but poor Ryan, my moods have been unpredictable.

Don't forget to vote below, if you think it's a Boy or a Girl!



Thursday, October 11, 2007


Welcome all.

I'm starting this blog so that my friends and family can stay up to date on the newly announced Baby Humbert. I'm planning on posting pictures and videos (if I can learn how) so that far and wide, our loveds ones can be a part of this blessed event.

We found out that I am pregnant, Tuesday, October 9th. My Due date is currently June 21st, but that may change after I go to the pre-natal nurse next week, when they do the blood test.

Right now, I'm feeling ok, I've had a little sickness but I'm doing good.

I'll write more as we have more updates.

